Off to new shores: our camp at Lake Pälitzsee

What great news we can finally share with you: Our »Ahoi« family is gro­wing! On June 14, 2024, we will open Ahoi Camp Canow, which is idyl­li­cally loca­ted on Lake Pälitz­see in the heart of the Meck­len­burg Lake District.

It is sur­roun­ded by uni­que nature: lakes like in Swe­den and forests like in Canada (only wit­hout the bears) – the ulti­mate favo­rite desti­na­ti­ons for all cam­ping and out­door fans. And that’s why Ahoi Camp Canow is much more than just a camp­site. It is an adven­ture world that offers you authen­tic out­door expe­ri­en­ces and ple­nty of mate­rial for sto­ries around the camp­fire in the evening.

Ahoi Camp Canow – The adven­ture world for out­door fans

The list of acti­vi­ties you can do with us is just as long. Our camp is the ideal start­ing point for tours – whe­ther by bike, kayak or canoe. Or sim­ply hire one of our char­ming rafts and set sail like Huck­le­berry Finn.

In any case, our camp is made for ever­yone who wants to spend time in the most unspoi­led nature pos­si­ble: Cam­pers who want a place with a view of the lake; adven­tur­ous fami­lies who want to go on a dis­co­very tour with their child­ren; water hikers and ang­lers who like to make a really good catch; groups who are loo­king for a pris­tine place for enough tents or vehicles.

With its spe­cial high­lights, Ahoi Camp Canow is aimed at all those who want to make their stay in nature a little more com­for­ta­ble and sty­lish. For them, we offer modern desi­gned Tiny Hou­ses in various sizes – from a cozy space for two peo­ple to a char­ming family ver­sion that offers enough space for up to four peo­ple and a fan­ta­stic view to boot. And the best thing is that you can also make yours­elf com­for­ta­ble in our Tiny Hou­ses equip­ped with an oven in autumn and winter.