Feel good all round.

Would you pre­fer a juicy bur­ger or a fresh salad? In our beach can­teen »Bei Smutje« you will find ever­y­thing to satisfy your hunger.

As well as the ubi­qui­tous French fries, there are vege­ta­rian and vegan opti­ons, as well as chan­ging spe­cials. Fish and meat dis­hes are also on the menu.

Are you ready for the ulti­mate cam­ping expe­ri­ence? Then head to our beach can­teen »Bei Smutje«.

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

Ope­ning hours

Our beach can­teen »Bei Smutje« is open daily from 17:30 – 20:30 during the sea­son. At luncht­ime you can get our deli­cious Smutje snacks from 12:00 – 14:30 in our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez«.

The can­teen is clo­sed on Mon­days and Wednesdays.