Species diversity and biodiversity
Around 150 animal and plant species die out worldwide every day. We do not want to stand idly by and watch, but do our utmost to counteract this devastating trend. Life forms such as animals, plants, bacteria, fungi in their different habitats as well as the genetic diversity within these species (subspecies, varieties, breeds) – all of this is covered by the term biodiversity or »biological diversity«.
The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) defines biodiversity as follows:
»Biodiversity is life on earth in all its diversity. It is therefore the basis and potential of all life processes and ecosystem services on our planet.« Biodiversity is therefore also the prerequisite for stable ecosystems and the healthy and natural development of the species living in them.
What we can do:
- Avoiding the use of pesticides, insecticides
- No use of plastic sheeting under awnings
- Use of native species for landscaping
- Guest information about regional, biological diversity
- Behavioral instructions for the protection of overnight guests
Further projects
These are the next projects planned by us at Ahoi Camp Fehmarn in this context:
- Wildflower meadow
- Ahoi beekeeper
- Bee nature trail