Cam­ping directly on the Bal­tic Sea.

Book your desi­red par­king space online now.

Should it be the front row right on the beach, a pitch in our family area or a quiet spot with a view of the lake? The choice is yours – because ever­yone can find their own per­so­nal hap­pi­ness here! There is an easy way to find out if your cho­sen pitch is available: Click on the period you require. Sel­ect available cate­gory and pitch. Book your favou­rite pitch online. Done!

Good to know: By boo­king online, you save €5 per pitch booked.

Weekly offer »5 für 4«

Book 5 nights, pay only 4

Enjoy a rela­xing vaca­tion at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn and get one night for free! If you arrive on a Sun­day and stay at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn until Fri­day, the last night is free for you! 

The offer is only valid for a stay from Sun­day to Fri­day for sel­ec­ted seats and only for online boo­kings and sub­ject to avai­la­bi­lity in the period from Sep­tem­ber 1 to 27, 2024. The »5 for 4« weekly offer will be dis­played as soon as you enter your period in the boo­king calen­dar .

Use our chatbot

Our chat­bot is there for you around the clock and has lots of ans­wers ready for you. Whe­ther you have gene­ral ques­ti­ons or need help using our ser­vices – our chat­bot will help you quickly and easily. Please note, howe­ver, that it is still busy prac­ti­cing. Its ans­wers are the­r­e­fore not gua­ran­teed. We hope for your under­stan­ding here. If you still have any ques­ti­ons, our cus­to­mer ser­vice is of course still there for you.

You are curr­ently vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from Default. To access the actual con­tent, click the but­ton below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

More Infor­ma­tion

In future, we want to pro­tect our site more effec­tively against storm sur­ges, which we know from expe­ri­ence only occur in the win­ter months. That’s why we laun­ched the »your dune« pro­ject. In future, we will trans­par­ently charge an addi­tio­nal €2.50 per night and pitch at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn, which will go exclu­si­vely to dune protection.

You can read more about the dune pro­tec­tion pro­ject »»your dune« here.

Mini­mum stay

  • You can book your pitch from one night only. 
  • Please note that there is a mini­mum stay of 7 nights in the high sea­son. Shorter peri­ods can be viewed and boo­ked during the sea­son via the online boo­king in the gap fin­der. GOOD TO KNOW: In the 2024 sea­son, there are sel­ec­ted pit­ches in all cate­go­ries available from now until Sep­tem­ber 1st, which you can book for as little as one night.
  • If there are less than 14 days bet­ween your boo­king date and your arri­val date, the 7 night mini­mum stay will not apply and you may only arrive for one night.
  • During the long weekends of Eas­ter, Ascen­sion and Pen­te­cost the mini­mum stay is 3 nights.

Our gap fin­der. Spon­ta­neously find campsites.

Are you inte­res­ted in a shorter stay at our camp? If you’re spon­ta­neous and fle­xi­ble, our smart gap fin­der allows you to bypass the mini­mum stay requi­re­ment and view shorter pitch offers. The gap fin­der is dis­played in the online booking.

Your bene­fits at a glance!

  • Nature camp­site in a uni­que beach location

  • Book a pitch with a sea view
  • Elec­tri­city and show­ers included
  • Nature camp­site in a uni­que beach location

  • Book a pitch with a sea view
  • Elec­tri­city and show­ers included

No cam­per of your own?

Rent a van in Hamburg!

Would you like to spend the night at our camp, but don’t have your own cam­per and a cam­ping vaca­tion is out of the ques­tion for you? With our cam­per ren­tal Ahoi Bul­lis you have the oppor­tu­nity to rent a chic VW T6.1 Cali­for­nia Ocean from Hamburg.