Book your nature expe­ri­ence in the first row!

You don’t own a cam­per, but you want to start the day with the sound of the waves in your ears and the smell of cof­fee in your nose? Then we have the per­fect offer for you: From now on you can book your spot in the best loca­tion – and the van as well!

Our camp with its spe­cial loca­tion bet­ween the Bal­tic Sea and a natu­ral inland lake – with 377 open and spa­cious pit­ches in the middle of the nature reserve – is ideal for rela­xing and stay­ing. Check in to our Bulli Hotel!

Bulli & Break­fast on the beach

This is what you can look for­ward to: Your van, a brand new VW T6.1 Cali­for­nia (Ocean Edi­tion), is parked in the first row on the beach – right next to our popu­lar sur­fer pit­ches. Bed linen, elec­tri­city, water, gas, kit­chenette, dis­hes and many other amen­i­ties are alre­ady included in the ren­tal price. Every mor­ning a deli­cious break­fast snack awaits you in our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez«.

At a glance

  • Pitch size: 6,5 m x 10 m
  • Set-up width inclu­ding awning: 4 m
  • Sur­face con­di­tion: sand/gravel
  • Infra­struc­ture: Gas bot­tle, Elec­tri­city con­nec­tion CEE-230V three-pole (min. 6A) included
  • Included in the ren­tal price: Bed linen, elec­tri­city, water, gas, kit­chenette, dis­hes and a sweet or savory break­fast snack and exclu­sive SEA VIEW over low grass dunes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfort­u­na­tely, addi­tio­nal tents, awnings and cara­vans are not allo­wed. You can park your own car in the imme­diate sur­roun­ding in the day­time par­king spaces. The van is only used as a place to stay and spend the night on the camp. The­r­e­fore it is not allo­wed to drive or move it.

By the way: The Bulli Hotel is a joint action of Ahoi Bul­lis & Camps, Volks­wa­gen Auto­mo­bile Ham­burg and our fri­ends from Hinterland.Camp, the plat­form for cam­ping spots and accom­mo­da­ti­ons in the middle of nature.

Pri­ces (2 per­sons included)

The mini­mum stay at the Bulli Hotel is 2 nights.
On long weekends (such as Ascen­sion Day, Pen­te­cost, May 1st) it is 3 nights.

Ahoi Bulli VW T6.1 Cali­for­nia (Ocean edi­tion) inclu­ding par­king space & break­fast snack:

170,00 € /per night (surf pitch with sea view)

Each addi­tio­nal per­son: 30 € / night
Child­ren from 4 to 17 years: 20 € / night
Child­ren up to 3 years stay free of charge.

Book our Bulli Hotel now!

A total of 3 bul­lis (beach loca­tion with sea view) are available. Use the boo­king fields below to book yours­elf into the beach­front Bulli Hotel with sea view (pay­ment here by cre­dit card/immediate bank trans­fer only). Alter­na­tively, feel free to email us at with your favou­rite time period. We will be happy to send you an offer. In this case you can pay with Pay­Pal, »Sofort­über­wei­sung« or cre­dit card.

Boo­king surf pitch with sea view

Bulli No.1

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Bulli No.2

You are curr­ently vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from Default. To access the actual con­tent, click the but­ton below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

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Bulli No.3

You are curr­ently vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from Default. To access the actual con­tent, click the but­ton below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

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Save 10% with our Ahoi Green Rate

If you arrive at the Bulli-Hotel on Feh­marn with an e‑car (no hybrid!) or by bike, you will receive a 10% dis­count on your accom­mo­da­tion price with the code GREENRATE_AHOI as a thank you for your envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness. Char­ging sta­ti­ons will be available at the camp in 2024.

If you would like to tra­vel by public trans­port: Please note that trains and buses curr­ently only go to Burg (Feh­marn) and a direct con­nec­tion is curr­ently not possible.