Camp Manage­ment (m/f/d)

for our new camp­site in Canow, Meck­len­bur­gi­sche Seen­plattefull time, start­ing imme­dia­tely and indefinitely

Do you love being out­side, in nature and loo­king at the lake? We are loo­king for a dyna­mic, crea­tive per­son who wants to help us build up our new camp­site »Ahoi Camp Canow« in the middle of the Meck­len­bur­gi­sche Klein­seen­platte and to manage it in the future.

With us you are respon­si­ble for:

  • Infra­struc­ture (focus)
  • Guest Management/Reception
  • Gas­tro­nomy
  • the lea­der­ship of the team
  • Main­ten­ance and care of the camp­site and work equip­ment / orga­niza­tion infra­struc­ture measures.
  • Manage­ment of exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders and trades, obtai­ning offers
  • Ensu­ring guest satis­fac­tion and com­plaint management
  • Part­ner support
  • Office manage­ment, ser­vice plan­ning and bud­get responsibility
  • Pro­mo­tion and reten­tion of employees

That’s who you are:

  • You are fri­endly and empathetic.
  • You are fle­xi­ble, able to work under pres­sure and remain calm even in stressful situations.
  • You are a team player with orga­niza­tio­nal skills and wil­ling to help out in other places.
  • You’re a team player, but you also assert your opi­nion when it’s appropriate.
  • You are wil­ling to work weekends, holi­days and shifts.

This is what we have to offer you:

  • Work in the middle of the Meck­len­burg Lake Dis­trict with a view of Canower Lake, where you can won­derfully com­bine work with lei­sure and relaxation.
  • Good pay­ment
  • Fair tip distribution
  • If requi­red, accom­mo­da­tion on site in a modern, spa­cious cara­van or, if neces­sary, free par­king space if you have your own camper.
  • Free WiFi
  • Team out­fit

You can expect:

Fri­endly, young at heart col­le­agues (m/f/d) who are full of heart and soul to ensure that our cus­to­mers feel com­ple­tely satis­fied during their stay at our camp.

Are you an out­door per­son and a nature lover, do you feel addres­sed and want to become a part of us?

Then send us your appli­ca­tion (PDF) by e‑mail at If you have any ques­ti­ons, you can also reach us by phone at +49 (0) 4372–9999778.

Type of posi­tion: Full-time, permanent