Tips for sus­tainable camping

We love nature and want to pro­tect it. That is why sus­taina­bi­lity is a major con­cern for us. If you also want to camp sus­tain­ably, we have a few sug­ges­ti­ons for you:

Cam­ping is more envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly than a hotel vaca­tion… but…
Cam­ping is an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly alter­na­tive to hotel vaca­ti­ons and has a signi­fi­cantly bet­ter eco/CO2 balance. Nevert­hel­ess, every sin­gle cam­per can con­tri­bute to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion by some­ti­mes only taking small things to heart.

Be fuel-effi­ci­ent on the road

Get in, drive off, enjoy your vaca­tion. Maxi­mum enjoy­ment and less CO2: step on the gas pedal a little more gently #eco­lo­gi­cal deceleration

Mini­ma­lism – less lug­gage is more

Advan­tage: More over­view, more fuel in the tank.

Air con­di­tio­ning – Bet­ter off than on.

A nasty energy guz­zler. Espe­ci­ally if it is too cold. If you can, sim­ply skip it and open the win­dows the old-fashio­­ned way ins­tead. Or max. Turn 5 degrees coo­ler than outside.

What’s on the cam­ping table? Regio­nal + unpackaged.

Food. A topic with enorm­ous CO2 saving poten­tial! Pro­blem no. 1: All the pack­a­ging waste. The best thing is to cook for yours­elf and help yours­elf to local pro­duce – pre­fer­a­bly orga­nic. Healt­hier and, with a little coo­king skill, tas­tier too! And it is also best to leave out the alu­mi­num foil (ins­tead, for exam­ple: bees­wax cloths!)

Waste sepa­ra­tion – but how? Tip: Wet vs. dry!

Sounds dif­fi­cult at first, as you alre­ady have very little space in the van. Nevert­hel­ess, it is super important for the envi­ron­ment and also for yours­elf if you at least sepa­rate wet and dry directly in the van – anyone who has ever fished the pla­s­tic lid out from under the cof­fee grounds knows what we are tal­king about.

Recup: High-qua­­lity cam­ping tab­le­ware ins­tead of dis­posable material

Again, it’s all about pack­a­ging waste. The »Recup« sys­tem is get­ting big­ger and big­ger and we are joi­ning in! Also always good: buy high-qua­­lity cam­ping tab­le­ware once and keep it for a life­time at best. It could hardly be more sustainable.


The ECO­CA­M­PING seal stands for eco­lo­gi­cal camp­si­tes. Many of the places are 100% cli­­mate-neu­­tral, invest in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion pro­jects and sell orga­nic food from regio­nal sup­pli­ers, etc.
We also have a good chance of being awarded the label very soon.

Con­serve resources

In gene­ral, of course: use resour­ces spa­rin­gly – espe­ci­ally water (when showe­ring or washing up).

Wit­hout chemicals

For exam­ple, use orga­nic clea­ning agents, deter­gents and toi­let additives.
Our recom­men­da­tion: The good old hard soap/shampoo ins­tead of liquid soap with pla­s­tic pack­a­ging. Dry toi­let ins­tead of Porta Potti. Alter­na­tive: biode­gra­da­ble toi­let additives


Sus­tainable accessories
Inter­view with the Ahoi Sus­taina­bi­lity Officer