The world of »Ahoi Camps

It all star­ted with the »Ahoi Camp Feh­marn«. It is our first place where we could rea­lize our idea of modern cam­ping: to get tog­e­ther with like-min­­ded peo­ple in a rela­xed atmo­sphere at a natu­ral place. Of course, »Ahoi Camp Feh­marn« will always remain uni­que. Nevert­hel­ess, we dream that the world of »Ahoi Camps« will con­ti­nue to grow. With an »Ahoi Camp« at a beau­tiful lake, where cano­e­ing or raf­ting is pos­si­ble. Or with an »Ahoi Camp« in the low moun­tain range, where hiking fans in par­ti­cu­lar will feel at home. All »Ahoi Camps« should be dif­fe­rent. And yet they have a lot in com­mon. Because the same cor­po­rate values and prin­ci­ples apply to all the places we lease or buy.

Some examp­les:

  • Those who work at a place that beco­mes an »Ahoi Camp« will con­ti­nue to be employed by us. It important to us to take on as many employees as pos­si­ble on fair terms.
  • The region should bene­fit from us. We are not purely pro­­fit-ori­en­­ted inves­tors, but streng­then the local eco­nomy and want to pay our taxes there as well.
  • We would like to sup­port the regi­ons and our imme­diate sur­roun­dings also in our daily cam­ping busi­ness. That’s why we take advan­tage of every oppor­tu­nity to col­la­bo­rate – with the local bak­ery, bike ren­tal com­pany or craft store.
  • Whoe­ver is there should stay: This applies not only to employees, as well as to our guests. If you are a per­ma­nent cam­per and have a spot now, you will con­ti­nue to be offe­red a spot on the campsite.

Loo­king for a suc­ces­sor for your campsite?

Let us know!

Enjoy­ing nature, mee­ting peo­ple, fin­ding adven­ture on your door­step – that’s what we under­stand by modern, con­tem­po­rary cam­ping. Whe­ther with tent, van or cara­van. Open and casual.

We are encou­ra­ged by the suc­cess of our first Ahoi Camp. The­r­e­fore, we want to carry the fresh cam­ping wind from the Bal­tic Sea coast into the coun­try. The­r­e­fore, we are loo­king for more camp­si­tes (whe­ther for purchase, lease or as a coöpe­ra­tion part­ner) that we can pas­sio­na­tely trans­form into an Ahoi Camp – whe­ther loca­ted by the sea, in the low­lands, on a lake or in the low moun­tain range.

We wel­come all offers, whe­ther from pri­vate indi­vi­du­als, com­mu­ni­ties or cities and hope to soon be part of your vaca­tion region with an Ahoi Camp.

There is also a reward!

If your offer or tip leads to a purchase, we will give you a Flex-Pass for one sea­son for the Ahoi Camp Feh­marn as well as for the new camp!

You have the right camp­site for us?

Then please send us the most important infor­ma­tion using the form below.
If we are inte­res­ted, we will cont­act you. Thank you very much!

Bist du Inha­ber des Cam­ping­plat­zes? *
Ich habe einen Cam­ping­platz anzu­bie­ten: *

Who we are.

Out­door enthu­si­asts, Bul­lis lovers, family peo­ple. Here you can learn more about us.


Here you can find some press artic­les about Ahoi Camp Fehmarn.