Watch out, kids!

Whe­ther you are an adven­tur­ous pirate, a sand­castle buil­der, an explo­rer or a little world tra­vel­ler, you are wel­come at Ahoy Camp and will have as much fun as your parents!

In addi­tion to our Ahoi Shack and our Ahoi Bay with its large adven­ture play­ground, there is a varied and sus­tainable children’s pro­gramme full of games, fun and exci­te­ment! Bored? No way! Come along and join in!

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

Join the adven­ture! The choice is yours!

Here you will find all the acti­vi­ties that we have on offer for our youn­ger guests. A weekly time­ta­ble is available at recep­tion (notice board). There you can see which of the fol­lo­wing pro­mo­ti­ons are run­ning this week. Please note that in low sea­son we may not be able to offer all pro­gramme points every week. Have fun!

  • To all par­ents: We do not pro­vide day­care. For this reason, we ask you to accom­pany your child to the indi­vi­dual acti­vi­ties. Older child­ren can par­ti­ci­pate alone. Howe­ver, the respon­si­bi­lity for super­vi­sion lies with the parents.

From May 1, 2024

For child­ren up to eight years old accom­pa­nied by an adult.

When: anytime
Where: Recep­tion / at the camp

Descrip­tion: Grab a tre­asure map and tre­asure hunt bag at the recep­tion and let’s go! On your quest, you’ll pass many dif­fe­rent sta­ti­ons around the camp where you can tin­ker, build, explore and discover!

An iden­tity card is requi­red as a deposit.

When: anytime
Where: Beach

Descrip­tion: Grab a bag, sand bucket or other con­tai­ner and go on a gar­bage expe­di­tion! Show your coll­ec­ted rub­bish at recep­tion for a small reward! Join in and become an envi­ron­men­tal saviour!

When: See cur­rent weekly sche­dule (bul­le­tin board at the reception)
Where: Ahoi Shack

Descrip­tion: Various craft acti­vi­ties in the camp.

When: From July 2 - every Tues­day from 11 am. In case of bad wea­ther, amber cut­ting is cancelled.
Where: Behind the bar­rier right by the trees.

When: See cur­rent weekly sche­dule (bul­le­tin board at the reception)
Where: Beach / Bathing zone

Descrip­tion: Build a sand castle on the beach alone or in a team. The most beau­tiful sand castle will be sel­ec­ted…! The awards cerem­ony will take place in the evening at the Café­Bar. Please bring sho­vels, cups and, if you like, deco­ra­ti­ons (shells, sticks and wha­te­ver else the beach has to offer).

For dancers aged 4+.

When: See cur­rent weekly sche­dule (bul­le­tin board at the reception)
Where: Ahoi Shack

Descrip­tion: Spot­lights on, Start music! We make the spea­k­ers shake. Come and dance with us!

When: See cur­rent weekly sche­dule (bul­le­tin board at the reception)
Where: Ahoi Shack

Descrip­tion: Ready, set, go! Blow some steam with a variety of sports acti­vi­ties (eg Viking chess, kettle car racing, foot­ball tour­na­ment)! There will be an awards cerem­ony at the end!

When: See cur­rent weekly sche­dule (bul­le­tin board at the reception)
Where: On the beach in front of our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez« or in the Ahoi Shack (in case of bad weather)

Descrip­tion: A short story is read. You can come on your own or be accom­pa­nied by your par­ents. Feel free to bring your own blan­ket or cuddly toy! Bring a pic­nic blan­ket and snacks if you’re plan­ning a family pic­nic afterwards.

When: daily from 10:00 – 18:00
Where: Ahoi Shack

Descrip­tion: From toy cars and Duplo to pic­ture books and board games, you’ll find all sorts of things to play with and get crea­tive with.

Important: There will be no super­vi­sion in the Ahoi Shack. Please put the toys back where you found them after play­ing. The next little guest will thank you. :-)

When: daily
Where: Ahoi Bay is loca­ted oppo­site the beach can­teen, behind the Ahoi shack.

Descrip­tion: There’s ple­nty to do for young and old alike: there’s an adven­ture play­ground with a pirate ship, a clim­bing frame and a play area for the little ones. For the older kids there is a foot­ball pitch, beach vol­ley­ball, table ten­nis, bas­ket­ball hoop and slacklines.