Sea, Wind & Waves

The Alten­teil wind­sur­fing and kitesur­fing spot is known as one of the best sur­fing spots on the Ger­man Bal­tic coast thanks to its waves. With a strong west to nor­thwest wind – usually with the sun shi­ning – sides­hore crea­tes a clean wave that is per­fect for jum­ping and riding off. Seve­ral turns are in order as the waves are nicely cur­ved around the cape or huk and break at rela­tively wide inter­vals. Winds from the nor­the­ast and east also blow unhin­de­red to the spot right in front of our camp, brin­ging waves that are usually a little smal­ler and shorter.

When the wind is purely wes­terly or even west-south-wes­­terly, the cover of the Mar­kels­dor­fer Huk keeps the water shal­low as the waves can­not enter the small bay. On days like this, waver­i­ders will be rewarded with a little excur­sion to Huk, where they will be rewarded with very good and smooth waves. Howe­ver, please do not go ashore at Huk as it is in the reserve and can­not be entered!

Winds from the south-west, south and south-east are not useful because they blow too far off­shore. In this case, it is bet­ter to go to the other very good spots on the island, which are not far away. Wave beg­in­ners are also in good hands at Alten­teil, as the waves never get dan­ge­rous or hol­low, even though they can reach 2m on a good day. Choppy waves are com­pa­ra­tively rare here for the Bal­tic Sea, to the delight of all. Tur­quoise waters, espe­ci­ally in the wes­tern part of the bay, com­plete the fun!

The fur­ther east you go during a storm, the stron­ger the cur­rent beco­mes. Shore­break is also added, but con­troll­able. The ent­rance is partly sandy, but often inters­per­sed with round stones. Many peo­ple surf bare­foot, but shoes are recom­men­ded if you are new to shorebreak.

With ligh­ter winds from rideable direc­tions, Alten­teil is also a spot for inter­me­diate freeri­ders and sto­kers. As there is no shal­low water area, beg­in­ners are not well loo­ked after here and should start their first attempts on the Ort­her Reede. The same goes for wind­sur­fing beg­in­ners, who will find more sui­ta­ble spots in Orth, Gol­len­dorf, Lem­ken­ha­fen or Gold.