Our nature reserve

As the old say­ing goes in the pro­perty busi­ness: Loca­tion, loca­tion, loca­tion. For­t­u­na­tely, Ahoi Camp Feh­marn has very little con­crete gold to offer, but ple­nty of natu­ral gold. We are sur­roun­ded by seve­ral pro­tec­ted areas with inland lakes and exten­sive reed beds. Because it is such a beau­tiful, peaceful place, it is not only the cam­ping enthu­si­asts who feel at home here in the north-west of the island, but also the many spe­cies of ani­mals, birds and plants.

Our neigh­bours at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn are, for exam­ple, the tern, the avo­cet, the white-tailed eagle, the beach smooth, the great crested newt and the nat­ter­jack toad. And because we want to be good neigh­bours, we do ever­y­thing we can to help pre­serve this uni­que world.
Bio­di­ver­sity and rai­sing our guests’ awa­re­ness of the spe­cial beauty and vul­nerabi­lity of their vaca­tion desti­na­tion are at the fore­front of all our considerations.

The­r­e­fore: Even if our site rules some­ti­mes seem a little strict: Please stick to them! Because what makes Ahoi Camp Feh­marn spe­cial is not only the tog­e­ther­ness among cam­pers, but also the inter­ac­tion with nature.

Nor­t­hern Lake Dis­trict Nature Reserve

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More Infor­ma­tion

The »Nörd­li­che See­nie­de­rung« nature reserve stret­ches along the entire north-wes­­tern coast of Feh­marn. It stret­ches from the Fas­ten­see lake north of Bojen­dorf via the Mar­kels­dor­fer Huk to the Grü­ner Brink and includes the many inland lakes. Its spe­cial loca­tion and diverse flora make it an important bree­ding ground and habi­tat for rare terns, wading birds and reed dwel­lers. Cyclists, bird­wat­chers, nature lovers and those see­king peace and quiet will get their money’s worth here.