Bird Wat­ching

Exclu­si­vely for Ahoi Camp guests

If you don’t have bino­cu­lars or bir­ding skills, but would like to go bird wat­ching with the pro­fes­sio­nals, come with us to the NABU cen­ter in Wall­nau – less than 30 minu­tes by bike over the dike.

The eyes of bird-wat­ching guide Tor­ben from the NABU Cen­ter Wall­nau shine with every tour: »Expe­ri­ence nature up close on our tour.
Learn inte­res­t­ing facts about the Wall­nau Water­fowl Reserve and the asso­cia­ted tasks throug­hout the year.
Observe birds from the »hides« (covered obser­va­tion sta­ti­ons) on the pond areas and be enchan­ted by one or two stories.
After a stop at the amphi­bian ponds, we walk through the forest to the 10-metre-high obser­va­tion tower.
Here you have a won­derful view of the nature reserve.
After­wards, you can explore on your own.« 


NABU Water­fowl Reserve Wall­nau, Wall­nau 4 


Our Bird Wat­ching takes place every 2nd Friday.
The next dates are: August 30 | Sep­tem­ber 13 | Sep­tem­ber 27

At least
5 peo­ple must take part, other­wise the event will unfort­u­na­tely be canceled. 


See the notice on the bul­le­tin board in our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez«.

Mee­ting point:

9:15 a.m. at the Ahoi Camp in the par­king lot / con­s­truc­tion trailer.
Joint, inde­pen­dent bike tour (wit­hout guide) over the dike to the NABU Cen­ter Wall­nau. Alter­na­tively, we meet at 10:00 am directly at the NABU Cen­ter Wall­nau (Wall­nau 4)


approx. 1.5 hours 


Pay­ment at NABU on site.
6.00 € for adults, 4.00 € for child­ren Mem­bers free on pre­sen­ta­tion of ID.

Camp­fire romance

When we gather on the beach after a won­derful day on the water or on land to light a camp­fire, we hear the crack­ling and crack­ling of the fla­mes. The romance of a camp­fire at dusk is an essen­tial part of any out­door adven­ture. At Ahoi Camp, we offer you the oppor­tu­nity to bor­row a fire bowl – the Atago – from our part­ner Petro­max for a small ren­tal fee and depo­sit. Being tog­e­ther on the beach, wat­ching the sun­set and bak­ing bread over the fire or gril­ling sau­sa­ges always crea­tes unfor­gettable memories.

Our out­door laboratory

We set up a so-cal­­led open-air labo­ra­tory in a large trai­ler (a kind of »cir­cus wagon«). The inves­ti­ga­tion and rese­arch labo­ra­tory is finan­ced by us and ope­ra­ted tog­e­ther with »Haff und Huk e.V.« and the Feh­marn Island School. It enables child­ren and school clas­ses to explore and under­stand nature through work­shops with envi­ron­­men­­tal-eco­­lo­­gi­­cal con­tent such as adven­ture hikes on the beach fol­lo­wed by micro­scopy. The open-air labo­ra­tory is expec­ted to go into ope­ra­tion in late summer/autumn 2024.