Work­a­tion at Ahoi Camp: Working where others go on vacation

The Ahoi Camp Fehmarn.
Your retreat for a per­fect workation!
If you want to com­bine the best of work and rela­xa­tion, you’ve come to the right place.
Here you have the oppor­tu­nity to work in inspi­ring sur­roun­dings wit­hout having to give up the com­forts of a rela­xing vaca­tion. Why Ahoi Camp for your workation?
  • Pure nature: nest­led in the breath­ta­king land­scape, Ahoi Camp offers you the per­fect mix of tran­quil­lity and inspiration.
    Start the day with a refres­hing dip in the Bal­tic Sea or a bike ride across the island and rech­arge your bat­te­ries for your work. 
  • Work-life balance: Treat yours­elf to breaks during your work, enjoy a deli­cious cof­fee in our Café­Bar and watch the kiters.
    Here you can achieve the per­fect work-life balance. 
  • Com­mu­nity and net­wor­king: exch­ange ideas with other guests and make valuable contacts.
    This will give you new ideas for your work. 

No mini­mum length of stay in August

In the 2024 sea­son, there are sel­ec­ted pit­ches in all cate­go­ries available from now until Sep­tem­ber 1, which you can book for as little as one night.

Weekly offer »5 für 4«

Book 5 nights, pay only 4. Enjoy a rela­xing vaca­tion at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn and get one night for free! If you arrive on a Sun­day and stay at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn until Fri­day, the last night is free for you! The offer is only valid for a stay from Sun­day to Fri­day for sel­ec­ted seats and only for online boo­kings and sub­ject to avai­la­bi­lity in the period from Sep­tem­ber 1 to 27, 2024. The »5 for 4« weekly offer will be dis­played as soon as you enter your period in the boo­king calen­dar .

Pitch for 2025 now boo­ka­ble online!

Our boo­king calen­dar for the 2025 sea­son is now open. Get out­side with us and book your camp adven­ture now! 

Give away an Ahoi Camp voucher.

Are you still loo­king for the per­fect gift for your loved ones? How about a touch of adven­ture and a pinch of rela­xa­tion? With an Ahoi Camp vou­cher, you are not only giving the gift of a short vaca­tion on the Bal­tic Sea, but also sun, beach and care­free days.

What’s going on at the camp? The Ahoi Camp Whats­App channel.

Join our Whats­App chan­nel and you’ll receive news and infor­ma­tion about what’s hap­pe­ning during your stay at the camp.

Ahoi Camp Feh­marn is now a cer­ti­fied Ecocamp!

Our Ahoi Camp Feh­marn has been offi­ci­ally cer­ti­fied as an Eco­camp! We are very happy about that!

Job with a view!

We are loo­king for rein­force­ment for our Ahoi Camp! You look for a work­place with an ocean view? Then apply to us now and join our team!