Gene­ral site rules – Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

The entire site is sub­ject to the Schles­­wig-Hol­stein cam­ping site regu­la­ti­ons.

1. Access
The camp­site is acces­si­ble to guests through the bar­rier from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. The access through the bar­rier works with the licence plate depo­si­ted by the guests. Dri­ving on the site out­side these hours is not per­mit­ted to allow for rest peri­ods. These times also apply to the sur­fer par­king spaces and the day par­king lot in front of the barrier.

2. Arri­val and Departure
Arri­val is pos­si­ble from 2:00 p.m on. Depar­ture must be before 12:00 noon. Optio­nal early check-in and late check-out boo­kings are not affected.

3. Arri­val after recep­tion clo­sing time
Arri­val after recep­tion clo­sing time is pos­si­ble for guests with a valid boo­king until 22:00. In any case, the licence plate num­ber of the vehicle must be pro­vi­ded in the system.

4. Dri­ving on the camp­site & parking
Wal­king speed and gene­ral traf­fic regu­la­ti­ons apply throug­hout the whole camp­site. Keep to a wal­king pace (6 km/h), espe­ci­ally as there are many child­ren play­ing. The vehicle is not allo­wed to be parked out­side the ren­ted pitch, with the excep­tion of the paid par­king area in front of the barrier.

5. use of the pitch
A maxi­mum of 8 per­sons (incl. babies, child­ren, adults) can be regis­tered per pitch per boo­king. Depen­ding on the pitch size, there are dif­fe­rent ways to com­bine housing units and vehic­les. Only one moto­ri­sed vehicle (inclu­ding trailer/caravan) may be parked per pitch. Pro­vi­ded that the appli­ca­ble fire pro­tec­tion distances (see point 6) are obser­ved, it is also per­mit­ted to spend the night in a towing vehicle.
The maxi­mum length of all vehic­les or cara­vans (exclu­ding towing vehicle, inclu­ding tow bar) is limi­ted to 8 met­res. It is not pos­si­ble to book adja­cent pit­ches to park lar­ger vehic­les or cara­vans. The boo­king may be can­cel­led wit­hout refund if these limits are excee­ded. A list of pos­si­ble com­bi­na­ti­ons can be found here:

6. Fire pro­tec­tion distances

Accor­ding to fire pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons, a 1.5 m distance from the edge of the pitch must be main­tai­ned when set­ting up the accom­mo­da­tion unit (this includes tents, cara­vans, motor­ho­mes, cam­per­vans inclu­ding awnings).
Devia­ting from this, a mini­mum distance of 1 m to the pitch boun­dary is suf­fi­ci­ent in the area of cam­per­van and sur­fer pit­ches. Awnings are not part of the dwel­ling unit and are the­r­e­fore excluded from the calculation.

Keep a distance of 0.5 m from roads and paths. All vehic­les up to 5.3 m are exempt from this. When used purely as a towing vehicle, these may also be pla­ced directly on the pro­perty boun­da­ries, but may not exceed them under any circumstances.
An infor­ma­tion sheet on this topic can be found here:

7. Rest period
The rest period on the camp­site is bet­ween 10:00 p.m and 7:00 a.m. During this time, music and loud con­ver­sa­ti­ons are pro­hi­bi­ted to ensure that neigh­bours are not dis­tur­bed. Fail­ure to observe rest peri­ods may result in imme­diate sus­pen­sion. We also ask that you respect these times on the beach in front of the campsite.

8. Visi­tors
Over­night guests of tou­rist or per­ma­nent cam­pers are sub­ject to regis­tra­tion and fees. Use of the site by others for sport­ing acti­vi­ties only is not allo­wed. We reserve the right to limit the num­ber of visi­tors accor­ding to our quota.

9. Order, cle­an­li­ness and sustainability
Tidi­ness and cle­an­li­ness are a mat­ter of course for all guests of the camp­site. Treat all equip­ment and faci­li­ties with care. Guests are asked to use resour­ces such as water and elec­tri­city spa­rin­gly and to sepa­rate house­hold waste pro­perly – bins are pro­vi­ded. When lea­ving the stand, please remove all waste, bot­t­les and com­post from the stand and take them to the recy­cling bins.

10. Bathing zone / Water sports / Beach use
During the bathing sea­son, a DLRG-moni­­to­­red bathing zone is marked with buoys. Sur­fing, kitesur­fing and other water sports are not allo­wed in this zone. Use of the beach in front of the camp­site is sub­ject to the pos­ted beach rules.

11. Boats and Jet-skis
It is for­bidden to park motor boats and sai­ling boats on the beach. Laun­ching motor­boats or jet-skis over Ahoi Camp Feh­marn is pro­hi­bi­ted, but boats wit­hout motors (e.g. sai­ling boats, cata­marans, inflata­ble ding­hies, kay­aks, canoes, etc.) may be used and must be parked on their own stand after use. A boat with motor or jet ski can be stored only in the trai­ler port. Fixed struc­tures on the beach are also pro­hi­bi­ted, as is any boat traf­fic in the bathing area. Boat trai­lers may only be stored in the trai­ler har­bour and must be regis­tered in wri­ting in advance. Depen­ding on the capa­city there, this can also be rejected.

12. Toi­let use
In the toi­lets you should only use the toi­let paper we pro­vide. Please dis­pose of wet wipes, pads, tam­pons and panty liners in the con­tai­ners pro­vi­ded. Other­wise there is a risk of our bio­lo­gi­cal tre­at­ment plant fai­ling. This would result in a tem­po­rary clo­sure of the sani­tary buil­dings. Dogs must be kept on a lead out­side of the buil­ding on the hooks pro­vi­ded and are not allo­wed to be taken into the sani­tary buildings.

13. Gar­bage
In prin­ci­ple, waste should be dis­po­sed of at the cen­tral waste site and sor­ted into its various com­pon­ents. (See above) Point 9.
We can­not accept bulky waste.

14. Dogs
Dogs must be regis­tered for a fee and kept on a leash at all times. Do not enter the sani­tary faci­li­ties, the play­ground and the swim­ming area. The rest of the beach may be used with a leash. The dog must also be leas­hed on the ren­ted pitch and must ther­eby com­ply with the boun­da­ries of the pitch. A maxi­mum of two dogs are allo­wed per boo­king and stand.

15. Use of fire
Bar­be­cues are allo­wed on the pitch pro­vi­ded that the grass of the pitch is not dama­ged. Fire bas­kets and camp­fi­res are not allo­wed on the site. Always be aware of wind con­di­ti­ons and fly­ing sparks. Have ade­quate fire extin­gu­is­hers available. Note: There are desi­gna­ted camp­fire sites on the beach which can be used. Always extin­gu­ish fires when lea­ving the area.

16. Play­grounds
The use of the play­grounds is at the user’s own risk.

17. Sewage
Grey water from motor­ho­mes and cara­vans should be dis­po­sed of in the sink pro­vi­ded near the centre’s sani­tary block. Please empty che­mi­cal toi­lets only at the desi­gna­ted points in all three buil­dings and leave them clean. Ensure that not­hing gets into the drain.

18. Fresh water
Drin­king water flows from all water taps. Please use economically.

19. earthworks/wind protection/tents
A wind­break must con­vey a valuable over­all impres­sion, fit into the envi­ron­ment and must not exceed a maxi­mum of 9 sqm of the pitch to 2 sides. It should only be erec­ted in windy con­di­ti­ons (10 knots or more, wind force 4) and should not be used as a visual screen. It must not be flamma­ble and must not exceed a total height of 1.20 m. Ground slee­ves for the wind­break can be ancho­red in seve­ral places, allo­wing the shel­ter to be erec­ted accor­ding to the direc­tion and strength of the wind. All acti­vi­ties (inclu­ding assem­bly and dis­as­sem­bly) are the respon­si­bi­lity of the guest. Assis­tance will not be pro­vi­ded by camp personnel.
If you want to anchor your wind­break in the ground, do not drive the ground anchors deeper than 0.3 m into the ground. There may be infra­struc­ture in the deeper areas that could be dama­ged. It is reques­ted that no pla­s­tic she­eting be used under the (awning) tents in the inte­rests of the under­ly­ing ground sur­faces, a nature-fri­endly design and the pro­mo­tion of biodiversity.

20. Dro­nes
On the entire site and also on the beach in front of the camp­site is a drone flight ban! Per­mis­sion from site manage­ment can only be obtai­ned with writ­ten per­mis­sion from the aut­ho­ri­ties. In the event of vio­la­tion, Ahoi Camp Feh­marn reser­ves the right to take legal action.

21. Flags
The erec­tion of flag­po­les of any height is not per­mit­ted. It is also not per­mit­ted to hoist other flags and pennants.

Sta­tus: 14.05.2024