Come and take it up a notch with us!

Atten­tion: Team »Dune grass plan­ting cam­paign« is complete!

We are over­whel­med by the posi­tive response to our big plan­ting cam­paign! Your enthu­si­asm and wil­ling­ness to help impres­sed us greatly and show that we can achieve a lot tog­e­ther. Since the start of our cam­paign, around 250 peo­ple have regis­tered to actively par­ti­ci­pate in the plan­ting of our beach wall. As we have recei­ved a suf­fi­ci­ent num­ber of regis­tra­ti­ons and our »dune grass plan­ting cam­paign« team is com­plete, we have now clo­sed the regis­tra­tion form. Such a large num­ber of sup­port­ers is sim­ply fan­ta­stic and we look for­ward to breathing new life into our beach wall tog­e­ther with you.

Thank you for your commitment!

Large plan­ting cam­paign on 2. and March 3 at the Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

After the flood of the cen­tury, which cau­sed a lot of damage to our camp, we have spent the last few months put­ting our camp back tog­e­ther in a tour de force. Now we need your sup­port! Because we want grass to grow over the storm damage as quickly as pos­si­ble. More pre­cis­ely: dune grass. We will use this to plant our beach wall so that it quickly gains strength. We don’t just need two hel­ping hands, not six, but: lots and lots of them!


Satur­day, March 2 & Sun­day, March 3, start­ing at 9 a.m.

  • Food, drinks, hot show­ers and bright suns­hine will be provided.
  • Would you like to help out on both days but not sleep in your own cam­per? You are wel­come to spend the night tog­e­ther in one of seve­ral vaca­tion apart­ments within wal­king distance that we have orga­ni­zed for our helpers.

What can you bring with you?

  • Ide­ally a pair of work gloves, a hand sho­vel and lots of fri­ends, acquain­tances, rela­ti­ves, etc.

Are you in? Great!

Would you like to help, but don’t have a vehicle to get there? No pro­blem: the »Ahoi Dünen-Express« takes you from Ham­burg and Lübeck directly to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn. You will receive the depar­ture times from us by e‑mail. The dune shut­tle runs for groups of 20 or more.

Impres­si­ons (Octo­ber 2023)