Free­dom of choice!

377 open-plan pit­ches bet­ween 50 m² and 110 m² await you in our Ahoi Camp. Want to be as close to the sea as pos­si­ble? Or at the calm inland lake? Do you need a lot of space for your cam­per or rather little? With us you can choose from a variety of opti­ons. Pri­ces are com­po­sed of loca­tion, size and sea­son time and are auto­ma­ti­cally cal­cu­la­ted at the end. 2 per­sons, elec­tri­city (except sur­fer pit­ches) and hot show­ers are always included. Pets are also wel­come. Pri­ces are lis­ted in the price list below under Optional/Pets. Are you tra­vel­ling alone? Then you can take advan­tage of our »I’m tra­ve­ling alone« dis­count, which you can sel­ect when boo­king online. You can also see here which vehicle length the space is desi­gned for.

Good to know: We are always wil­ling to lis­ten and take the time to help you. To keep up with this, we take – if you do not book online – a hand­ling fee of 5,00 € for each boo­ked pitch. We ask for your under­stan­ding.

Our 2024 season

Low sea­son Mid sea­son High sea­son
– 27.04.2024
– 05.05.2024
– 01.04.2024
– 08.05.2024
– 17.05.2024
– 12.05.2024
– 21.06.2024
– 20.05.2024
– 30.09.2024
– 01.09.2024
Low sea­son Mid sea­son High sea­son
– 17.04.2025
– 04.05.2025
– 21.04.2025
– 30.04.2025
– 28.05.2025
– 01.06.2025
– 06.06.2025
– 09.06.2025
– 12.07.2025
– 31.08.2025

Mini­mum stay

  • With us you can – with some excep­ti­ons – book your pitch for one night or more .
  • Please note that there is a mini­mum stay of 7 nights in the high sea­son. Shorter peri­ods can be viewed and boo­ked during the sea­son via the online boo­king in the gap fin­der. GOOD TO KNOW: In the 2024 sea­son, there are sel­ec­ted pit­ches in all cate­go­ries available from now until Sep­tem­ber 1st, which you can book for as little as one night.
  • If there are less than 14 days bet­ween your boo­king date and your arri­val date, the 7 night mini­mum stay will not apply and you may only arrive for one night.
  • During the long weekends of Eas­ter, Ascen­sion and Pen­te­cost the mini­mum stay is 3 nights.

Dare to fill the gap! Here’s how to find available pitches.

Are you inte­res­ted in a shorter stay at our camp? If you’re spon­ta­neous and fle­xi­ble, our smart gap fin­der allows you to bypass the mini­mum stay requi­re­ment and view shorter pitch offers. Use our online boo­king for this.

Our Flex Option

Rebook free of charge up to 48 hours before arri­val or can­cel for a vou­cher! Pay 10% extra on your boo­king price and secure your cam­ping vaca­tion at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn with the newly deve­lo­ped Flex Option: If you can­cel up to 48 hours before arri­val or 48 hours before a shor­tening of your boo­king (par­tial can­cel­la­tion), you will receive a vou­cher in the amount of your boo­king redu­ced by the 10% Flex Option fee. This vou­cher is valid for 365 days. Then you can relax and choose a new date and an available ptich within the sea­son. Please note that no refunds are available in the event of a can­cel­la­tion and that the 10% reboo­king fee will always be retai­ned in full. You can then extend your reboo­king again with the Flex option.

»I’m tra­ve­ling alone« – discount

Would you like to check in to Ahoi Camp on your own? Then you will receive our »I’m tra­ve­ling alone« dis­count of €6.00/night on your over­night stay. You can sel­ect the dis­count in the online booking.

Save 10% with our Green Rate – on ALL seats

With a camp­site in the middle of a nature reserve, it is very important to us to place value on nature con­ser­va­tion and sus­taina­bi­lity, to pro­mote soft mobi­lity and also to honor your envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness. If you arrive at our camp­site in an elec­tric car (no hybrid!) or by bike, you will receive a 10% dis­count on your over­night stay with the code GREENRATE_AHOI as a thank you for your con­tri­bu­tion to more envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion and sus­taina­bi­lity. If you would like to tra­vel by public trans­port: Please note that trains and buses curr­ently only go as far as Burg auf Feh­marn and a direct con­nec­tion is curr­ently not possible.

WLAN on the square

You can get Inter­net access via our pro­vi­der Snell­star. Acti­va­tion is done via a vou­cher, which you can get at the recep­tion. The cost varies depen­ding on the package. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

Our pri­ces 2024 / 2025

Cam­ping pitches

incl. 2 per­sons, shower & electricity.

Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Pitch cate­gory – DELUXE 75 sqm 54,00 € 58,00 € 62,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Pitch cate­gory Medium 75 sqm 49,00 € 53,00 € 57,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Large 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 57,00 € 61,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Com­pact pitch category ≤ 65 sqm 44,00 € 48,00 € 52,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Medium 66–74 sqm 49,00 € 53,00 € 57,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Large 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 57,00 € 61,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Com­pact pitch category 65–70 sqm 31,00 € 36,00 € 45,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Medium 75 sqm 35,00 € 40,00 € 49,00 €
Pitch cate­gory large 90 sqm 41,00 € 46,00 € 55,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Com­pact pitch category 65–75 sqm 28,00 € 33,00 € 42,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Medium 80 sqm 32,00 € 37,00 € 46,00 €
Pitch cate­gory large 90 sqm 38,00 € 43,00 € 52,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Com­pact pitch category 65–75 sqm 28,00 € 33,00 € 42,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Medium 80 sqm 32,00 € 37,00 € 46,00 €
Pitch cate­gory large 90 sqm 38,00 € 43,00 € 52,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Com­pact pitch category 65–75 sqm 28,00 € 33,00 € 42,00 €
Pitch cate­gory Medium 80 sqm 32,00 € 37,00 € 46,00 €
Pitch cate­gory large 90 sqm 38,00 € 43,00 € 52,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Pitch cate­gory (wit­hout elec­tri­city) – Standard 50 sqm 29,00 € 31,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch sizes Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
Pitch cate­gory Compact 50 sqm 23,00 € 29,00 € 31,00 €
Low sea­son Middle sea­son High sea­son
»I’m tra­ve­ling alone« - discount 6,00 € 6,00 € 6,00 €
addi­tio­nal adults 8,00 € 8,00 € 8,00 €
addi­tio­nal child­ren 4+. 6,00 € 6,00 € 6,00 €
Pets (dogs) 4,00 € 4,00 € 4,00 €

What is the pro­ject »your dune« and why did we set it up? Anyone who has ever been to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn knows what makes this place so spe­cial: there is hardly a more beau­tiful place to camp in Ger­many clo­ser to the sea. We are aware that this pro­xi­mity to the coast ent­ails risks. Howe­ver, there is hardly any pro­tec­tion against a flood of the cen­tury like the one in fall 2023. That’s why it hit us dou­bly hard. Damage cau­sed by a storm surge is not insura­ble, and despite announ­ced aid from a hard­ship fund, we will not receive any sub­si­dies from the state govern­ment. Of course, we have built up reser­ves for emer­gen­cies and res­to­red the beach embank­ment in a tour de force so that not­hing stands in the way of an untrou­bled cam­ping sea­son. Howe­ver, we are no lon­ger able to cope with damage like that in the fall from our own resour­ces. In future, we want to pro­tect our site more effec­tively against storm sur­ges, which we know from expe­ri­ence only occur in the win­ter months. That’s why we laun­ched the »your dune« pro­ject. In future, we will trans­par­ently charge an addi­tio­nal €2.50 per night and pitch at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn, which will go exclu­si­vely to dune pro­tec­tion. Ins­tead of sowing them first, we plant, for exam­ple, pre-grown mar­ram grass and dune grass. This is more expen­sive than pure seed, but ulti­m­ately we are not only buy­ing plants, but above all time on the way to natu­ral pro­tec­tion against storm sur­ges and land loss.

Terms of payment

You can choose bet­ween the fol­lo­wing pay­ment methods in the boo­king por­tal: – Sofort­über­wei­sung: 100% pay­ment upon boo­king – Cre­dit card (Visa & Mas­ter­card): 100% pay­ment upon boo­king – Pay­Pal: 100% pay­ment upon booking


We offer you a Flex-Pass rate that allows you fle­xi­ble access to the camp during the sea­son. We always keep a con­tin­gent for this. The exact pitch can only be boo­ked at short notice and is loca­ted in the rear camp area. For the price of € 1,575.00 incl. vehicle, elec­tri­city and one per­son, you will always be able to park at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn. If you are inte­res­ted, please send us an email to

Our sea­sons

High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
25.05. – 29.05.2022
01.04. – 25.05.2022
01.06. – 05.06.2022 05.06. – 27.06.2022
29.05. – 01.06.2022
27.06. – 28.08.2022
28.08. – 30.09.2022

Our pri­ces

Cam­ping pitches

incl. 2 per­sons & electricity Price per night

Cam­per­van pitch

from € 23,-
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory – D1 50 29,00 € 26,00 € 23,00 €

Pit­ches in inte­rior location

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

Pit­ches near inland lake

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

3rd row near the beach

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

2nd row near the beach

from € 36
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
B1 65–70 sqm 42,00 € 39,00 € 36,00 €
B2 75 sqm 44,00 € 41,00 € 38,00 €
B3 80 sqm 46,00 € 43,00 € 40,00 €
B4 90 sqm 48,00 € 45,00 € 42,00 €
B5 90–110 sqm 52,00 € 49,00 € 46,00 €

1st row sea view

from € 39
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
A1 65 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
A2 70 sqm 47,00 € 44,00 € 41,00 €
A3 75 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €
A4 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €

1st row inland lake

from € 43
A3 75 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €
A4 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €

1st row sea view deluxe

from € 47
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory – A5 65 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €


from € 9
High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Tent pitch + elec­tri­city + car or van 26,00 € 24,00 € 22,00 €
Tent mea­dow pure incl. 1 person 13,00 € 11,00 € 9,00 €


from € 1,-

Our sea­sons

High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
25.05. – 29.05.2022
01.04. – 25.05.2022
01.06. – 05.06.2022 05.06. – 27.06.2022
29.05. – 01.06.2022
27.06. – 28.08.2022
28.08. – 30.09.2022

Our pri­ces

Cam­ping pitches

incl. 2 per­sons & electricity Price per night

Cam­per­van pitch

from € 23,-
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory – D1 50 29,00 € 26,00 € 23,00 €

Pit­ches in inte­rior location

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

Pit­ches near inland lake

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

3rd row near the beach

from € 33
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory C1 65–75 sqm 39,00 € 36,00 € 33,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C2 80 sqm 41,00 € 38,00 € 35,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C3 85 sqm 43,00 € 40,00 € 37,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C4 90 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
Pitch cate­gory C5 90–110 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €

2nd row near the beach

from € 36
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
B1 65–70 sqm 42,00 € 39,00 € 36,00 €
B2 75 sqm 44,00 € 41,00 € 38,00 €
B3 80 sqm 46,00 € 43,00 € 40,00 €
B4 90 sqm 48,00 € 45,00 € 42,00 €
B5 90–110 sqm 52,00 € 49,00 € 46,00 €

1st row sea view

from € 39
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
A1 65 sqm 45,00 € 42,00 € 39,00 €
A2 70 sqm 47,00 € 44,00 € 41,00 €
A3 75 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €
A4 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €

1st row inland lake

from € 43
A3 75 sqm 49,00 € 46,00 € 43,00 €
A4 75–85 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €

1st row sea view deluxe

from € 47
Space sizes High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Pitch cate­gory – A5 65 sqm 53,00 € 50,00 € 47,00 €


from € 9
High sea­son Mid-sea­­son Low sea­son
Tent pitch + elec­tri­city + car or van 26,00 € 24,00 € 22,00 €
Tent mea­dow pure incl. 1 person 13,00 € 11,00 € 9,00 €


from € 1,-