Surf. Van­life. Adventure.

If you feel like buy­ing some­thing, you’ll find it at Salt­wa­ter Shop. At the ulti­mate life­style store for cam­ping enthu­si­asts, you’ll find a wide range of sty­lish clot­hing, access­ories, and out­door gear per­fect for your cam­ping adven­ture.The focus is on authen­tic, sus­tainable and spe­cialty brands rela­ted to board­sports and vanlife.

From casual T‑shirts and hoo­dies to prac­ti­cal back­packs, sun­glas­ses and cam­ping gear, you’ll find ever­y­thing your cam­ping heart desi­res here.

You can always shop in the Salt­wa­ter Shop during the sea­son during Ahoi store ope­ning hours.

You can find the store inside the Ahoi shop. There are fur­ther stores in Hei­li­gen­ha­fen, Tra­ve­münde and on Sylt.