Bulli fri­ends. Out­door fans. Glo­be­trot­ter. Family people.

The name »Ahoi Camp« stands for modern, con­tem­po­rary cam­ping – open and infor­mal. Ahoi Camp is about mee­ting like-min­­ded peo­ple in a rela­xed atmo­sphere. Many of the acti­vi­ties we offer our guests focus on nature, which we not only want to pro­tect but also to inspire. We love to try the unu­sual and break new ground in tou­rism. And above all, we are: pas­sio­nate hosts.

We are a diverse team of coast-hun­­gry, dyna­mic, crea­tive minds who all equally share a love of the sea and nature. Whe­ther you come alone, with your part­ner, fri­ends or the whole family: We want to inspire you and wel­come you to the Ahoi Camp.

The sea is right in front of you and you can feel the fresh wind around your nose. Beach on the hori­zon! We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

Your team from Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

Visit from the camp inspector

In this video, the camp inspec­tor takes you on a little Ahoi Camp explo­ra­tion trip. Have fun watching.

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More Infor­ma­tion

The heads in the background

That’s us: Jens, Johan­nes, Mar­kus and Rai­ner. For a long time we wan­ted to rea­lize our idea of modern cam­ping on our own site. With the Ahoi Camp Feh­marn we got the per­fect chance to do so.

Jens Koehler


Has been the big­gest Bulli fan for over 20 years. Since 2017 mana­ging direc­tor of the cam­per ren­tal com­pany Ahoi Bul­lis in Ham­burg. What is espe­ci­ally important to him there also applies to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn: fri­end­li­ness and tip­top service.


Has also been the big­gest Bulli fan for over 20 years and is the foun­der and mana­ging direc­tor of Ahoi Bul­lis. Pas­sio­nate wind­sur­fer Johan­nes easily com­pen­sa­tes for his mates’ lack of board sta­bi­lity. Alten­teil has the­r­e­fore been his per­so­nal favou­rite spot on the Bal­tic for years. It is a dream come true for Johan­nes to be able to run the camp­site himself.


Is a jour­na­list in real life and co-foun­­ded the out­door maga­zine WAL­DEN in 2015. He thinks his motto should also apply to cam­ping: Adven­ture at your door­step. Or rather, in front of the sli­ding door. Inspi­ra­tion and rela­xa­tion for a new gene­ra­tion of nature lovers. Alten­teil ins­tead of Alaska.

Rainer Wenning


A pas­sio­nate tour ope­ra­tor who tra­vels the world, Ahoi Camp is both a hobby and a pas­sion. Enemy from abun­dance. Rainer’s clear motto for our camp: only the good from the simple! His ulti­mate tip for a rela­xing hour at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn: Sun­dow­ner with a view of the inland lake.