The per­fect wave

Kiting & wind­sur­fing at the Alten­teil surf spot

Where else can you start sur­fing in one of the best spots on the Bal­tic Sea with opti­mal and varied wind con­di­ti­ons right from the camp? Defi­ni­tely at Ahoi Camp Feh­marn in Altenteil!

Kitesur­fing & wind­sur­fing, stand up paddling or foi­ling – ever­y­thing is pos­si­ble with us. And when you surf back to the beach, the sce­n­ery is stun­ning. At your pitch in the front row, you can take a short break at any time and enjoy your after-work drink on the beach or in our Sand-Tro­­pez Cafè­Bar in the evening.

Unfor­gettable ses­si­ons with the sun set­ting over the Huk and rela­xed wave shred­ding or warm­ing up with fri­ends right in front of the campsite.

Ahoi Camp as a base for the best water sports experiences

Thanks to its expo­sed loca­tion in front of the dyke, there is no easier and shorter access to the water on the island of Feh­marn. Howe­ver, if time is short and there’s no room for the equip­ment in the car, our part­ner Surf­shop Feh­marn has the solu­tion for you: Rent wind­sur­fing or wing equip­ment on site. At Ahoi Camp Feh­marn there is a sta­tion of our fri­ends from Surf­shop Feh­marn with a ren­tal shop for SUP’s, upwind wind­sur­fing equip­ment and upwind wing equipment.

Sim­ply book your equip­ment on site for the dura­tion of your vaca­tion and store it directly at your pitch. No wave can pass by wit­hout being rip­ped by you.

Good to know.

  • You can hire equip­ment from the com­fort of your own home or from your pitch via the web­site of our part­ner Surf­shop Feh­marn. The only thing you need is a neo and a harness.
  • In good con­di­ti­ons, i.e. good wea­ther and little wind, you can also hire the SUPs directly at the sta­tion by the hour.
  • The on-site camp also offers SUP cour­ses and advan­ced wind­sur­fing cour­ses, but these are hea­vily depen­dent on the wind direction.

No or little expe­ri­ence in water sports?

You can book beg­in­ner cour­ses for wings or kitesur­fing. Howe­ver, the beg­in­ners’ cour­ses do not usually take place on site at Ahoi Camp, as the con­di­ti­ons are not always beg­in­­ner-fri­endly. The Surf­shop Feh­marn has addi­tio­nal sta­ti­ons in sur­fing areas that signi­fi­cantly improve lear­ning suc­cess, e.g. in the south of the island, in Gold. The well-known shal­low water area is par­ti­cu­larly sui­ta­ble for beg­in­ners’ courses.

If the wind direc­tion is right (WNW-ONO), the beg­in­ner trai­ning cour­ses can also take place in Alten­teil. Howe­ver, the water gets deep quite quickly here and you can expect a slight swell.

Depen­ding on demand, SUP cour­ses for child­ren are also offe­red on site. Wing tas­ter ses­si­ons are pos­si­ble in the high season.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on water sports cour­ses can be found at: