Nature cam­ping on the Fehmarnbelt

Beach on the hori­zon! Ahoi Camp Feh­marn, form­erly known as Natur­cam­ping Feh­marn­belt, wel­co­mes ever­yone! On this page you will find a sum­mary of infor­ma­tion about our Ahoi Camp. Whe­ther you arrive with a cam­per, cara­van or tent, it is important to us that all guests can equally enjoy the natu­ral beauty of our won­derful camp­site with its direct beach loca­tion on the Fehmarnbelt.

All spaces are open and airy. Depen­ding on your pre­fe­rence, there are pit­ches in the first row with a sea view or in an inland loca­tion, but you can also camp »in the middle«. There are lar­ger and smal­ler pit­ches, sym­me­tri­cal and rather asym­me­tri­cal ones, some with a sandy sur­face and others with gra­vel, wood­chip­pings or grass. Ahoi Camp Feh­marn is sim­ply a colorful place – open, lively, uncomplicated!

Nature camp­site on Feh­marn directly on the beach

Our Ahoi Camp Feh­marn in Alten­teil is sur­roun­ded by nature reser­ves directly on the Bal­tic Sea beach.


Here you can expe­ri­ence a won­derfully rela­xed cam­ping vaca­tion on the beau­tiful Bal­tic Sea coast – inclu­ding the fee­ling of wild cam­ping in the great out­doors right on the Fehmarnbelt!

There is also a won­derful sea view directly from the pitch if you book one of the cove­ted pit­ches in the front row. Here you can relax on a deck­chair and look out over the Feh­marn­belt and enjoy the sun­set with a good drink in the evening.

Sports enthu­si­asts will not miss out here eit­her! Our spot is also popu­lar with many water sports enthu­si­asts, as the con­di­ti­ons here are per­fect for wind­sur­fing, kitesur­fing and SUP. If you don’t want to go on the water, you can enjoy the sea on a walk along the beach directly from the camp­site or explore the island by bike.

Your camp benefits

  • Nature camp­site right by the sea on Fehmarn
  • Uncom­pli­ca­ted online boo­king sys­tem with direct seat selection
  • Hot show­ers and elec­tri­city included in the ren­tal price
  • 2nd per­son included in the ren­tal price
  • Café­Bar with 1A sea view
  • Access to the camp also pos­si­ble out­side recep­tion hours
  • Check-Out until 12 noon
  • Three sani­tary blocks, one of which has been com­ple­tely rebuilt incl. Family show­ers, dis­ab­led access and under­floor heating
  • Large adven­ture play­ground, out­door fit­ness and other sports and play equipment

Book a beach camp­site online

Whe­ther close to the sea, directly on the beach or on an inland lake? Large par­king space? Small par­king space? With us you have the choice! You can book your pitch online with us. You can sel­ect various opti­ons that are cal­cu­la­ted auto­ma­ti­cally. Inter­net is of course available. You can get the access data at reception.

Sur­fing and cam­ping right by the sea

With us, you can start your sur­fing adven­ture directly from our pris­tine camp­site! Feh­marn Alten­teil is THE surf and kite spot par excellence.

Ahoi Camp Fehmarn-Surfing and nature campsite on the Fehmarnbelt

Per­fect wind con­di­ti­ons make sur­fers’ hearts beat faster!

If you don’t like it quite so wild, go stand-up paddling on the Feh­marn­belt and enjoy the fan­ta­stic sce­n­ery of our camp­site right on the beach. If you have boo­ked a pitch in the front row, you can enjoy a sun­dow­ner in front of your cam­per in the evening. What more do you need to be happy!

Arri­val and depar­ture made easy

Thanks to our uncom­pli­ca­ted bar­rier sys­tem with license plate reco­gni­tion, you can also arrive out­side recep­tion hours. The access road is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Check-out is pos­si­ble until 12 noon on the day of departure.

Expe­ri­ence Fehmarn!

There are also ple­nty of lei­sure acti­vi­ties out­side our camp­site. In addi­tion to the many water sports acti­vi­ties, there are also great adven­ture spots inland. For exam­ple, lovely farm cafés invite you to enjoy cof­fee and home­made cakes, or you can relax with a visit to the Feh­Mare bathing world. Our youn­ger visi­tors also get their money’s worth with horse riding, a visit to the but­ter­fly park or a trac­tor ride in Farm­world. Would you like to find out more?