A respectful approach to nature

Haff und Huk is a vol­un­t­ary asso­cia­tion on the island of Feh­marn (for­med in 2016 spe­ci­fi­cally to look after the »Nörd­li­che See­nie­de­rung« nature reserve), with which we have joi­ned forces and are working tog­e­ther in seve­ral areas.
On behalf of the state of Schles­­wig-Hol­stein, the mem­bers look after the nature reserve on site, pro­mote the flora and fauna and advo­cate a respectful approach to nature. They want to keep an eye on local requi­re­ments and inte­grate visitors.

You can also find great infor­ma­tion about our coas­tal and lake land­scape on the Haff und Huk web­site. Tog­e­ther with the dedi­ca­ted mem­bers of the asso­cia­tion, we are con­stantly on the loo­kout for ways to make the nature reserve more acces­si­ble to inte­res­ted camp visi­tors. Of course, as ope­ra­tors, we also play our part.

From 2024, we will be laun­ching the »Frei­land­la­bor« pro­ject tog­e­ther and are really loo­king for­ward to working together!

»Big Brot­her« for bird lovers:

The bree­ding raft webcam

From May to Sep­tem­ber, you can watch the smal­ler com­mon terns bree­ding and rea­ring along­side the lar­ger black-hea­­ded gulls on the »Fas­ten­see bree­ding raft«.