Feh­marn. Sunny island!

With an area of 185 square kilo­me­ters, Feh­marn is the third lar­gest Ger­man island in the Bal­tic Sea after Rügen and Use­dom. With 17 surf spots, great cycle paths along the coast, wel­co­ming farm cafes and beau­tiful nature reser­ves, it is part of the Ost­hol­stein dis­trict of Schles­­wig-Hol­stein.. The island name can be tra­ced back to »fe mer« , Sla­vic for »situa­ted by the sea«. Feh­marn has been con­nec­ted to the main­land by the 963 metre long Feh­marn­sund Bridge since 1963. There is also a ferry ser­vice from Putt­gar­den to Rödby in Den­mark as part of the Vogel­flug­li­nie, the direct rail and road link bet­ween Ham­burg and Copen­ha­gen. Feh­marn is the suns­hine island: 2200 hours of suns­hine a year!

Nature lovers, sports enthu­si­asts, fami­lies and cul­ture buffs will all find some­thing to love here, espe­ci­ally in the sum­mer months! In terms of recrea­tion, Feh­marn has a lot to offer. Feel free to get inspi­red! Infor­ma­tion mate­rial is also available at the reception.


Throug­hout the sea­son, the island hosts great events such as the Rape­seed Fes­ti­val, Mid­sum­mer Bulli Fes­ti­val and Surf Fes­ti­val. There is some­thing for everyone!


Sub­ma­rine Museum

Have you ever been in a sub­ma­rine? No? The legen­dary sub­ma­rine U‑11 lies in the har­bour of Burg­staa­ken and invi­tes you to visit it. An impres­sive sight awaits you there.

Nabu Wall­nau

Due to its favoura­ble loca­tion on the migra­tory rou­tes of land and water birds and the abun­dance of food available, Wall­nau is a sought-after res­t­ing place for migra­tory birds. Throug­hout the year you can see a wide variety of birds in their natu­ral habi­tat, with over 280 spe­cies recor­ded at Wallnau.

Adven­ture Golf Fehmarn

Minia­ture golf was yes­ter­day. Expe­ri­ence adven­ture golf on 12,000 square met­res of park-like grounds right by the Bal­tic Sea!

Pony Riding

Apart from water sports, the island has a lot more to offer in terms of acti­vi­ties. How about pony riding? For teen­agers and child­ren over the age of 3. For adults on request.

Light­house Flügge

Flügger Lighthouse FehmarnStep by step, all the way to the top. There are still 162 steps sepa­ra­ting the arri­val at the foot of the light­house from the magni­fi­cent view over the land­scape in the south-west of the island and the Fehmarnsund.

Silo Clim­bing

For all those who want to reach for the sky! Silo Clim­bing is Europe’s hig­hest top-rope secu­red clim­bing faci­lity: there are 16 clim­bing rou­tes. One of them is 40 meters high.

Bal­tic Sea – World of Experience

The marine centre on Feh­marn is a great place to see the under­wa­ter world of tro­pi­cal seas. Colourful coral fish of various spe­cies cavort here. See seahor­ses, corals, rays and sharks from the walk-through under­wa­ter tunnel.

Feh­Mare – bathing world

No beach wea­ther in sight? Then visit the Feh­Mare – swim­ming pool with sauna and spa. Enjoy swim­ming and rela­xa­tion in all wea­thers with unri­val­led sea views. Let yours­elf go and take a break from the daily grind.

Farm­world Fehmarn

Immerse yours­elf in the minia­ture world of agri­cul­ture. Expe­ri­ence the sea­so­nal change of field and mea­dow. Child­ren can drive a trac­tor here themselves.

But­ter­fly Park

See hundreds of but­ter­flies, fish, igua­nas and birds in the 1,000sqm Tro­pi­cal Hall. A great expe­ri­ence for young and old.



If you like to eat fish, this is the place for you. The Aal­kate is a tra­di­tio­nal fish restau­rant on Feh­marn, which has been spoi­ling its guests with deli­cious high-qua­­lity sea­food for over 40 years.

Belt­bude Fehmarn

»Belt­bes­ter« snack bar with cock­tails, various gin and tonics, cafes, soft drinks & beer on Feh­marn at Grü­ner Brink. Here you can enjoy sip­ping a drink while wat­ching the kiters and sur­fers on the sea.


Deli­cious quark dis­hes in a wide variety of variations!

Café Sor­gen­frei

At the West Pier, at the ent­rance to the beau­tiful Burg­tiefe Marina, right on the beach, you can enjoy home­made tre­ats such as cakes, pies, quark dis­hes and much more. In the evening you can enjoy a deli­cious cock­tail or glass of wine and rela­xed chill­out and lounge music while wat­ching a uni­que sunset.

Albers­hof farm café

The lovin­gly fur­nis­hed café is loca­ted in one of Fehmarn’s most beau­tiful barns. The spa­cious grounds offer ple­nty of room to relax in sunny beach chairs, under shady gaze­bos, in the gar­den or inside in the cosy café. There is a play­ground for the little ones and the adjoi­ning farm shop is a great place to pick up a holi­day souvenir.