This is us

What we have always loved about our own cam­ping trips: natu­ral places where there is an open, rela­xed atmo­sphere. This is exactly the kind of place we want to create with Ahoi Camp Fehmarn.

Ahoi Bul­lis

Whe­ther you are on a surf trip, a family holi­day or a weekend trip, our com­pany in Ham­burg rents out fully equip­ped VW T6.1 Cali­for­nia edi­ti­ons at great pri­ces. And as a cus­to­mer of Ahoi Bul­lis you always get a pitch in the Ahoi Camp. Guaranteed.


Here you can find a com­pi­la­tion of all press artic­les about the Ahoi Camp.


Would you like to spend the best time of the year on Feh­marn and com­bine work with lei­sure? Here you can find out about job oppor­tu­ni­ties with us. We are loo­king for­ward to your application.