We also surf in a digi­tal way!

Our pro­vi­der Snell­star pro­vi­des a com­plete WLAN hot­spot sys­tem at Ahoi Camp. You can use it to browse the web or use strea­ming ser­vices such as Net­flix. Video calls are also possible.

You can use TWO DEVICES (3 Mbit per device) at the same time. The cost varies depen­ding on the package.

IMPORTANT: Some­ti­mes the outer shell of a motor­home or cara­van, or dense bus­hes or trees bet­ween the trans­mit­ting mast and the recei­ving device can reduce the trans­mis­sion power of the WLAN hot­spot sys­tem. So please make sure you take advan­tage of the 15-minute trial access to test whe­ther the net­work meets your expec­ta­ti­ons, both inside your motor­home or cara­van and outside.

Please acti­vate the vou­cher only if the test was suc­cessful. You can pick it up at the Recep­tion or go online and pay using PayPal.

1 day

4 €

3 days

9 €

1 week

15 €

1 month

29 €

3 months

65 €

7 months

89 €

  • Vou­ch­ers can NOT be retur­ned! So take advan­tage of the free trial access BEFORE YOU BUY and make sure you have a sta­ble con­nec­tion on your pitch. You can find this option on the hot­spot login page.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Acti­vate the WLAN on your device.
  2. Scan for wire­less WLAN con­nec­tions and con­nect to the Snell­star WLAN with the best signal strength.
  3. Be on the loo­kout for auto­ma­tic login dialogs.
  4. If the login page does not open auto­ma­ti­cally, please start an inter­net brow­ser of your choice and go to: http://hotspot.snellstar.de. Please ensure that you are not using a search bar from Google or any other search engine.
  5. Once you have pas­sed the test, enter your access code in the box provided.
  6. Log out: To log out of the hot­spot, go to http://hotspot.snellstar.de in your brow­ser and log out of your device.

Enjoy sur­fing!