Our camp is on win­ter break.
We will start the new sea­son on April 1, 2025.
We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!
Fancy win­ter cam­ping? Then come to our Ahoi Camp Canow!


Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

Small escapes. Great freedom.

Get out of the daily rou­tine, into the adven­ture – wel­come to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn! Our nature camp­site on Feh­marn is idyl­li­cally situa­ted in a nature reserve, sur­roun­ded by sea, beach and dunes. The for­mer Feh­marn­belt camp­site in Alten­teil has an almost legen­dary repu­ta­tion among sur­fers and kiters as one of the best spots on the Ger­man Bal­tic coast.

But it’s not just water sports enthu­si­asts who come to us – anyone who loves cam­ping close to nature, right on the beach, whe­ther alone, with a part­ner, fri­ends or the whole family. Bird­song and the sound of the waves are the sound­track to our Ahoi Camp (and lots of children’s laugh­ter too).

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

Your team from Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

Desti­na­tion rea­ched: The sea is in front of you and you can feel the fresh wind in your face.
Beach on the hori­zon! Ahoi Camp Feh­marn is a colourful place – open, lively, easy-going.

AHOI Camp Feh­marn is a colorful place – open, lively, easy-going. You love the fresh wind in your face and the Bal­tic Sea right in front of you? Or do you pre­fer a quie­ter set­ting with views of our idyl­lic inland lake? Wha­te­ver you are loo­king for, whe­ther you are tra­vel­ling with a cam­per, cara­van or just a tent, we have it.

Adven­tur­ous days in a uni­que natu­ral set­ting are gua­ran­teed. Bird­song and the sound of waves are the sound­track to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn (okay, lots of children’s laugh­ter is part of it, too).

We are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming you!

Your team from Ahoi Camp 

Our camp

Get ready, ever­yone – Ahoi Camp Feh­marn is ready for the new sea­son! But do not hurry, ever­yone will find the right spot. Right on the beach or by the lake. That’s what makes us so unique.

Feh­marn island

Do you need to get away? Then Feh­marn is the place to be. Great bea­ches and lots of natu­ral beauty. And all in all, the sun shi­nes here for around 2,200 hours a year. Feel free to stop by for a recount. But Feh­marn has a lot to offer in other areas as well.

Surfs­pot Altenteil

Show­ing off is not really our thing. But it does make us a little proud that our spot in Alten­teil has such a good repu­ta­tion and is con­side­red one of the best sur­fing spots in the Bal­tic Sea. Read here why it is so popu­lar with water­sports enthusiasts.