We are loo­king for rein­force­ment for our team.

We are loo­king for­ward to dyna­mic and crea­tive minds (m/f/d) who would like to sup­port us at our Ahoi Camp Feh­marn and inspire our guests!

And that’s us.

The name Ahoi Camp stands for modern, con­tem­po­rary cam­ping – open and infor­mal. Ahoi Camp means get­ting tog­e­ther with like-min­­ded peo­ple in a rela­xed atmo­sphere. Many of the acti­vi­ties we offer our guests focus on nature, which we not only want to pro­tect but also to inspire. We love to try the unu­sual and break new ground in tou­rism. And most of all, we are a pas­sio­nate hos­pi­ta­lity com­pany and a fair employer.

Our Ahoi Camp is loca­ted on the sunny island of Feh­marn, right by the sea. After work, you can take your board straight from the camp­site to the water, enjoy the day on the beach or dis­co­ver beau­tiful nature. Accom­mo­da­tion is available if requi­red and agreed. We will pro­vide you with a modern, spa­cious cara­van for your time on site, which will be your own per­so­nal retreat. If you have your own cam­per as accom­mo­da­tion, we will orga­nize a pitch at the camp.

Job offers for the Ahoi Camp Fehmarn

  • Grounds­man (m/f/d)

  • Grounds­man (m/f/d)

  • Bar­ten­der (m/w/d)

  • (Assistant) cook (m/f/d)

  • Cook (m/f/d)

You can expect:

Open, easy-going col­le­agues who put their heart and soul into ensu­ring that our guests are com­ple­tely happy during their stay. Are you inte­res­ted? Would you like to be part of our Ahoi team and grow with us?

Then send us your detailed appli­ca­tion using our appli­ca­tion form. If you have any ques­ti­ons, you can also call us on +49 (0) 4372–9999778. We look for­ward to recei­ving your application!

Your bene­fits:

  • More than work-life balance: you work in a hip surf loca­tion right on the beach, where you can com­bine work, lei­sure and relaxation.
  • Good con­di­ti­ons? Good pay and a fair dis­tri­bu­tion of tips are a mat­ter of course for us.
  • Loo­king for accom­mo­da­tion? If requi­red, we can pro­vide you with accom­mo­da­tion on site in a modern, spa­cious cara­van or a par­king space if you have your own camper.
  • Dis­coun­ted cate­ring for employees: In our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez« you can of course get ever­y­thing at spe­cial conditions.
  • Dress code? Not an issue. We pro­vide you with a team out­fit and your work clothes.
  • Sur­fing after work? In any case! And what’s more: free sur­fing les­sons are available for you on site.
  • You can get fur­ther dis­coun­ted con­di­ti­ons from our part­ners: e‑bike ren­tal, Van Life access­ories, fashion.

Vacan­cies in other Ahoi Camps

Ahoi Camp Canow

Working with a lake view at Ahoi Camp Canow I think I’m being snog­ged by a moose: forest, red woo­den hou­ses and a beau­tiful lake – am I in Swe­den? No, it looks like, but it’s Meck­len­burg Lake Dis­trict. In early sum­mer 2024, we will be ope­ning Ahoi Camp Canow right next to the idyl­lic Lake Pälitz next to Ahoi Camp Feh­marn. Ahoi Camp Canow in the heart of Meck­­len­­burg-Vor­­­pom­­mern is a para­dise for all those who love nature and, above all, acti­vi­ties in and on the water: whe­ther with the camp’s own rafts, canoes or SUPs. The site has pit­ches with great views of the lake, a spa­cious Bulli mea­dow and roman­tic Swe­dish hou­ses and tiny hou­ses. Would you like to be part of our team? Then take a look at our job offers on the Ahoi Camp Canow web­site.

Second Bal­tic Sea Camp (Darß)

Team mem­bers wan­ted for our second Bal­tic Sea camp! For our new camp­site on the Darß directly on the Bal­tic Sea, we are also loo­king for dyna­mic, crea­tive team mem­bers who want to lend a hand and sup­port us. Do you feel addres­sed? Then take a look at our job offers: