Grounds­man (m/f/d)

Full-time, gladly imme­dia­tely or from the begin­ning of 2024

Your tasks:

  • You work clo­sely with the infra­struc­ture manage­ment and the recep­tion team.
  • You receive hel­pful and always fri­endly our guests on the place.
  • You will be respon­si­ble for smooth com­mu­ni­ca­tion bet­ween the recep­tion and the guests on the site.
  • You carry out checks to ensure com­pli­ance with fire safety and site regulations.
  • You are respon­si­ble for the main­ten­ance and care of the camp­site and work equipment.
  • You sup­port dif­fe­rent, exter­nal trades / ser­vice pro­vi­ders in their acti­vi­ties on the site.
  • You handle small and lar­ger repairs within the scope of main­ten­ance mea­su­res wit­hout any problems.
  • You will trans­port and store inco­ming sup­plies for camp.
  • In the off-sea­­son, you will assist with upco­ming remo­de­ling and main­ten­ance activities

What you bring with you:

  • You are a multi-talen­­ted craft­sman (con­fi­dent in the use of machi­nes and tools).
  • You are fri­endly and communicative.
  • You are fle­xi­ble and able to work under pressure.
  • You work in a solu­­tion-ori­en­­ted and goal-ori­en­­ted manner.
  • You are a team player and wil­ling to help out in other posi­ti­ons as needed.
  • You are wil­ling to work weekends, holi­days and shifts.
  • You like to lend a hand and have an eye for the big picture.

This is what we have to offer you:

  • Work in a hip surf loca­tion right on the beach where you can com­bine work, lei­sure and relaxation.
  • Good pay­ment
  • Fair tip distribution
  • Accom­mo­da­tion on site in a modern, spa­cious cara­van or pitch if you have your own motorhome.
  • Dis­counts on meals for staff at our »Sand-Tro­­pez« café bar and at the »Bei Smutje« beach canteen.
  • Free WiFi
  • Team out­fit and pro­vi­sion of work clothes
  • Free surf les­sons on location
  • E‑bike ren­tal, van­life access­ories, fashion: spe­cial con­di­ti­ons with our partners.

You can expect:

Fri­endly, young at heart col­le­agues (m/f/d) who are full of heart and soul to ensure that our cus­to­mers feel com­ple­tely satis­fied during their stay at our camp.

Do you feel like spen­ding the most beau­tiful time of the year on Feh­marn and do you want to become a part of us? Then join our team!
Please send us your appli­ca­tion (PDF) by e‑mail to If you have any ques­ti­ons, you can also reach us by phone at +49 (0) 4372–9999778.

We are loo­king for­ward to your application!