For those who need vit­amin sea.

Who needs cham­pa­gne on the Côte d’A­zur when you can have a cof­fee or a chil­led drink right at the surf spot Alten­teil? Our small, but cozy Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez« is the heart of the Ahoi Camp loca­ted directly on the beach and at the same time mee­ting point for all beach lovers. An open, lively, uncom­pli­ca­ted place.

Whe­ther you’re a camp resi­dent or making a day­trip from the sur­roun­ding area, you’re wel­come to come chat with fri­ends or catch up with your family. And of course, if you just need a few minu­tes for yourself.

We offer deli­cious cakes, best cof­fee and cap­puc­cino. A wide range of cool, alco­ho­lic and non-alco­ho­­lic drinks awaits you at our bar. All this at fair pri­ces – only the view is inva­luable. Because you look directly at the Bal­tic Sea. Depen­ding on wind and wave con­di­ti­ons, sur­fers and kiter­sur­fer offer you an enter­tai­ning water show for free.

Cof­fee and cake!

Take a seat at our spec­ta­cu­lar win­dow seats or in a lounge chair on the large woo­den ter­race. We offer you a daily chan­ging cake offer.

Whe­ther cho­co­late, cheese or apple pie – all gua­ran­teed deli­cious and always freshly deli­vered from a local bak­ery in Alten­teil. Or enjoy a fresh beverage, close your eyes and let the sound of the waves mas­sage your soul.

Cra­ving soulfood?

You can get deli­cious pani­nis until noon (Wed­nes­days all day long). In addi­tion, you will find heart warm­ing, deli­cious food in our beach can­teen »Bei Smutje« just around the corner.

Refresh­ment at the bar?

Our bar will serve some­thing for every taste. From a wide variety of refres­hing soft drinks to deli­cious wines and cool beers, ever­y­thing is available. You can also enjoy spar­k­ling drinks such as Ape­rol Spritz, Gin Tonic or Mojito while wat­ching the sun­set on our woo­den ter­race. You are eager to expe­ri­ment? Then ask at the bar for a CO’PS Spritz or a FELD­LER sugar beet spi­rit directly from the Feh­marn distillery.

Do you alre­ady know our specials?

We have a daily Happy Cof­fee Hour (spe­cialty cof­fees for 2.50 € each) and sel­ec­ted drinks for 5.50 € from Wed­nes­days till Saturdays.

You come as a day guest?

You are not a resi­dent of the Ahoi Camp and would like to visit our surf spot and café as a day guest? Ama­zing! You can use our day par­king lot directly at the dunes. You’ll find it right next to the »Sand Tro­pez«. For 2 hours you pay 4 €, the whole day costs 8 €.
By the way: If you con­sume more than 20 € in the »Sand-Tro­­pez« or in the beach can­teen »Bei Smutje«, we will refund half of the par­king fees.

Ope­ning hours

Our Café­Bar »Sand-Tro­­pez« is open daily during the sea­son (April to Sep­tem­ber) from 8:00 to 22:00. Sun­days to Tues­days we close alre­ady at 20:00.

We look for­ward to wel­come you!