A warm wel­come to you.
Good to have you here!

Be well infor­med at all times.

We are very happy that you are spen­ding your vaca­tion at Ahoy Camp. On this page you will find all important infor­ma­tion about your camp stay. Please read them well, then not­hing will stand in the way of a rela­xing vaca­tion. If you still have ques­ti­ons, our Ahoy Camp team at the recep­tion desk is available daily from 9:00 to 19:00.

We wish you rela­xing days!


On the DAY OF ARRI­VAL you have the pos­si­bi­lity to check in with us bet­ween 14:00 and 22:00.
Important: The bar­rier sys­tem is not yet unlo­cked before 14:00. If you would like to arrive ear­lier, please cont­act the recep­tion and we will check the pos­si­bi­lity of an early check-in for a one-time fee of 7 €.

The DEPAR­TURE please take place until 12:00. You want to add a few hours on the cor­re­spon­ding day? Then you can use the late check-out at the price of 7 € and still stay on your seat depen­ding on avai­la­bi­lity. The recep­tion is open bet­ween 8:00 and 19:00.

Gene­rally, our pas­sage is open from 7:00 to 22:00 or the bar­rier opens auto­ma­ti­cally thanks to the car license plate reco­gni­tion. Out­side this time it is unfort­u­na­tely not pos­si­ble to drive onto the site. Please plan your arri­val and depar­ture accordingly.

When you reach the Ahoy Camp, you can drive past the hol­ding bay and through the bar­rier directly to your pitch from 14:00. You no lon­ger have to get out at the recep­tion. Con­ve­ni­ent for you and us. In this way we avoid that the vehic­les jam in front of the camp.

The PLACE PLAN can be found on site on boards at the ent­rance and at the wash hou­ses. If you are still unsure, feel free to stop by the front desk! You are wel­come to cla­rify fur­ther ques­ti­ons and con­cerns later or even the fol­lo­wing day in per­son at the reception.

Our elec­tri­city is included in the ren­tal price for you (except for char­ging e‑vehicles). You will find the con­nec­tion directly on your pitch or in the imme­diate vici­nity. Please make sure that you lead your con­nec­tion cable through the fuse box from below.

At the camp, site num­bers are loca­ted on boun­dary stones on the ground. Your plot is always to the left of the respec­tive stone.

Please drive slowly on the camp and be con­side­rate. On the whole square is valid wal­king speed and the StVO. In par­ti­cu­lar, please be sure to keep to wal­king speed (6 km/h) due to the many child­ren playing.

You have alre­ady paid the tou­rist tax with the boo­king. After you have sett­led on your pitch, you can pick up your spa card at the reception.

At our Ahoy Camp Feh­marn you have a lot of deli­cious opti­ons to satisfy your hun­ger. On our 
Gas­tro­no­mic Offer Overview 
you will find all the infor­ma­tion about what you can eat when and where with us. Enjoy your meal!

Our food spots at a glance:

Break­fast snacks, cof­fee klatsch and in the EVENING DELI­CIOUS SUNDOWNER
Open daily from 8:00 to 22:00. Sun­days to Tues­days we close alre­ady at 20:00.

Our cate­ring point for the mid­day snack and the evening meal!
Open daily from 12:30 to 14:30 and 16:30 to 20:00. Wed­nes­days are day of rest.

OUR AHOI SHOP – Orga­nic qua­lity at fair prices

Mon­days through Fri­days from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. On weekends con­ti­nuously from 8:00 to 18:00.

In our Ahoy store you will find ever­y­thing you need for rela­xed camp days. In addi­tion to the freshly baked rolls, a wide range of orga­nic food awaits you. From bar­be­cue to fresh fruit & vege­ta­bles to deli­cious ice cream or colorful cone, ever­y­thing is suf­fi­ci­ently available.


Mon­days through Fri­days from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. On weekends con­ti­nuously from 8:00 to 18:00.

Can it be a new hoo­die or beanie? You for­got your sun­glas­ses? Or are you loo­king for some fancy cam­ping gear?
If you’re in the mood for a little shop­ping, you’re sure to find what you’re loo­king for at the Salt­wa­ter Shop. You can find it inside the Ahoy store.

We would like to be a cashl­ess camp­site from the 2024 sea­son at the latest. Even today, we’re happy to see you using your debit card to pay for even small amounts, like an ice cream or the fries. Thank you very much!


Please check if your boo­ked par­king space fits to the size of your vehicle, so that you can keep the fire pro­tec­tion distances(you have also recei­ved an info sheet with your boo­king con­fir­ma­tion):

Accor­ding to the fire pro­tec­tion ordi­nance, a 1.5 m limit distance must be main­tai­ned to the pitch boun­dary when set­ting up the accom­mo­da­tion unit (this includes tents, cara­vans, cam­pers, cam­per­vans incl. awnings), so that an over­all mini­mum distance of 3 m to the next accom­mo­da­tion unit can be achieved.

Devia­ting from this, a mini­mum distance of 2 m is suf­fi­ci­ent in the area of cam­per­van and sur­fer pit­ches if awnings are not erec­ted. Awnings do not count as part of the resi­den­tial unit and are the­r­e­fore excluded from the calculation.

A distance of 0.5 m must be main­tai­ned from roads and paths. Excluded from this are all vehic­les up to 5.3 m in length. These may – when used purely as a towing vehicle – also be pla­ced directly at the pro­perty boun­da­ries, but may not exceed them under any circumstances.

In case of non-com­­pli­­ance with the fire pro­tec­tion distances, the accom­mo­da­tion units may have to be re-loca­­ted, an alter­na­tive site may have to be taken (sub­ject to avai­la­bi­lity) or the camp­site may have to be aban­do­ned (no refund possible).

Fire safety is an important con­cern for us, because we want to gua­ran­tee you and all other guests a rela­xed as well as safe stay. If you are unsure, please cont­act us in advance or the team on the course.


There are three sani­tary hou­ses on the Ahoy Camp. One of them com­ple­tely rebuilt incl. Family show­ers, han­di­cap­ped acces­si­ble equip­ment and under­floor hea­ting. Our Ahoy show­ers (show­ers) are free of charge. You don’t need shower tokens. The envi­ron­ment is close to all our hearts. The­r­e­fore, it goes wit­hout say­ing: Saving water is the trump card!

At Ahoy Camp we offer inter­net access through our pro­vi­der Snell­star. The acti­va­tion is done via a vou­cher, which you can get at the recep­tion or sim­ply pay via Pay­Pal in the brow­ser. You can use two devices at the same time. The costs vary depen­ding on the scope. You can find more info here.

A maxi­mum of two dogs per pitch are wel­come, other­wise it will be too busy on the camp. In order for all camp fri­ends to feel com­for­ta­ble with us, the impe­ra­tive of tole­rance and con­side­ra­tion abso­lut­ely applies. Please make sure your dog is always leas­hed. Our play­ground, the sani­tary buil­dings and the bathing zone please remain dog-free.

We charge per dog (descri­bed as a pet in the boo­king sys­tem) and per day in low sea­son 3 € and in high sea­son 4 €. We are loo­king for­ward to you and your furry nose(s).

What is allo­wed and what is not allo­wed on our camp can be found here in our camp­ground rules.



All child­ren are wel­come at our Ahoy Camp! Look for­ward to our new adven­ture play­ground and, in case of bad wea­ther, to the Ahoy Shack, where you can paint, play and do han­di­crafts. You can find more infor­ma­tion about our children’s pro­gram here.

At our Ahoy Camp Feh­marn we always have great events for you. You can find all the infor­ma­tion here.

Explore the island by bike! Tog­e­ther with our part­ner Wind­sport Feh­marn we offer you the pos­si­bi­lity to rent e‑bikes for your vaca­tion at the Ahoi Camp. The boo­king and pay­ment takes place exclu­si­vely online. To be on the safe side, we recom­mend you to book your bike online before arri­val. Click here for online boo­king and fur­ther information.